Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ayn Rand did not write the Bible

Stephen Colbert,interviewing Mary Matalin:

Colbert: First question, why are you wearing a cross? You know Jesus preached social justice. Makes you look like a commie.

Matalin: Yes he did. He also preached teach em how to fish. Not give em a fish, right? You don't work you don't eat.

Colbert: He said "I will make you fishers of men." I don't think Jesus said "if you don't work you don't eat." I think that was Cool Hand Luke.

UPDATE: Colbert is a comedian. Please understand that. And if Jesus is a capitalist in any form, then I am the man in the freaking moon. And you are too. And you know it. Dude gave people bread, wine, fish, said give away half of all you own, turn the other cheek, everyone is blessed with grace and it is up to no man to take that away from you.

He was not out there preaching for all of us to work hard for money, but to work hard for forgiveness, to share, to love, etc.

1 comment:

Preston said...

Well said. I real love Colbert he real shut Mary Matalin down. I real felt she real did not know the scripture she was referring to (her fumbling gave her away), no real surprise there, even though she is very good at her day job. Let’s face it, she is very smart so if she real knew the subject she would have hit this with a response “out of the park”. Instead, she said very little. Too funny.